So saturday was spent digging ad working two of my patches. I will have to do the same thing on a couple more of them during this week... My arms are starting to get sore from this...
I have also worked out the right Origami box to make my newspaper seedling pots. with no sticky tape holding the boxes together, all i'll have to do is cut the bottom of them open and place the whole pot into the ground come planting time.
With a new batch of seeds freshly planted into them, it's now the waiting game.
I also worked out my gift carrots (something that had just appeared out of no where) were actually part of a second year crop. flowering and taking up excess space. Seeing as i didn't know what the deal with them actually was the came out of the ground. Suddenly all my spinach and silverbeet are growing better than ever.
Permission for the chickens has also come through. This is good. As long as we can get the chicken house up and running... and maybe a duck house as well...
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