With my girlfriend home and both of us a little hungry I’d been put on to lunch duty (who am I kidding. I rule this kitchen and I would have done it anyway)
Both being pre-occupied with other work we still hadn’t gone out to do the shopping. So I decided to pull out something that I’d been saving for a couple of weeks.
My fish preserved in oil was done after watching the Gourmet Farmer (SBS) and seeing them preserve their own tuna. I decided it would be a great idea and started an experiment with some bay trout.

Once the jar was sealed to perfection I left it in the pantry and tried to forget about it… that was the hardest part.
But with nothing left to eat for lunch it’s come out and going in some pasta.
I tried some of the fish on it’s own as well, just to check that it was actually all right to eat.
Best thing ever. It was just good. In all sorts of ways. Creamy, salty, fruity from the oil, ahhhhhhh. Trying is believing I’d say.
The next step for this experiment is to try it on some bonito fish. That way I’ll bet about 5 or 6 jars out of it.
I also hung the bacon experiment today. But I’ll go into that with a little bit more detail later.
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