step one was to find a basic recipe that i can rip off and use for my cake. i found this one on the abc website that looked good so i changed a few things and got cooking.
here's an outline of what i used to cook the damn thing
1 1/2 cup of self raising flour
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
125g butter
dash of vanilla extract
2tbl spoon milk
1tsp bicarb soda (i don't think i've ever used the stuff in cooking till now)
3 bananas (i like my banana cake to tast like banana. none of this "hint" of banana on the palate nonsence)
step one's easy. cream the sugar and butter. the only reason i didn't use 3/4 cups of brown sugar was because i didn't look properly in the pantry and missed the second bag of the stuff. next time it'll all be brown sugar. it gives a little bit more of a caramely aroma and flavour to the cake.
once it's creamed add the eggs and vanilla extract and mix some more. i went nuts here and made it as smooth as i could just because i could.
yep, it's now time to add bananas. i think the normal thing to do is to mash the bananas up before you add it into the mixture, but i'm lazy so i just threw them in and got to work with the blender instead. making this as smooth and evenly blened is probably a good idea to help with a consistant tast of banana through out the cake.
the next bit's easy. sift the flour in and mix it. not hard at all. the fun part is here though. chuck the milk into a small pot and get it boiling. once it's hot take it off the heat and throw in the bicarb soda. (yep i forgot to take a photo of this bit) it'll start to bubble up once you mix it through. add this into the cake mixture (i don't know exactly what this process does but i'm assumint it's something to do with helping the self rasing flour actually rise up)
almost finished now. prep a cake or bread tin with butter and flour and pour the cake mixture into it. throw it into a heated oven and cook it till it's cooked.
the original recipe said about 20-25mins, but every oven is different and just as i predicted it took about 45mins to cook in the little oven at my house.
once it's cooked do the usual cake thing of cooling, racking and eating.
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