Monday, May 31, 2010

The Food : Spinach and Potato Tart

The other day we made a spinach soup for dinner. But with the leaves being the only part required we had an abundance of stalks and roots left over.

I also had some puff pastry that I made a couple of days ago sitting in the fridge (it was used for a quince and pear tart) that needed to get used as well as some pot steamed potatoes from last nights dinner.

So with my mum and brother coming around I decided to put together a savoury spinach and potato tart.

Spinach stems
Steamed or boiled potatoes squashed
Couple of garlic cloves
3 eggs
Salt and pepper
Puff pastry

1.              Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
2.              Boil garlic (shells still on) in a pot of water till tender
3.              Pinch the sides of the puff pastry to create a box shape. Fill it up with the spinach stems and squashed potatoes
4.              Mix the eggs with enough cream and milk to just help break it down and give it a tinge of white. Then add the thyme, rosemary and boiled pieces of garlic.
5.              Pour the egg mixture over the spinach and potatoes
6.              Throw it in the oven and cook for 25mins or till the crust is golden brown and eggs are cooked.
7.              Throw some cheese over the cooked tart and serve with a squeeze of lemon juice over the top

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